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Showing posts from February, 2016

What the mouse knows and we don't?

Why does a mouse eat the germ of grain and leave the rest for us? what does it know that we don't? I went to a GLND session where this was pointed out to me.  I had not taken note of this before; but I then realized that in the grain stores at home, the maize grains all have an elliptical hole at the top. Apparently the mouse eats that part of the grain because of the importance of the grain germ to its body. The germ contains phospholipids; the essential oils that enable the building of the cell membrane. What is a healthy cell membrane good for? Good health. Healthy cell membrane allows the passage of wastes out of the cell and the absorption of nutrients into the cell. Nutrients help to fuel the cell and hence the body. What is  the  effect of unhealthy cell membrane? Basically disease, lethargy and lack of energy. When wastes build up in the cell, they cause disease. When the cell does not have the nutrients it requires then the body becomes lethargic. ...

Rhumba Music and All That Jazz

Testing, testing ... There's something about Rhumba music that makes my heart pump harder; it feels like this music was made for the African soul. Like a pot of the finest pami (palm wine), the rhythms makes the typical African want to break out into a jig. I don't understand much lingala, but that is not important when listening to the words of Mbilia Bel's Nakei Nairobi. The music is uplifting. When listening to Franco, the guitar just makes you feel one with the beats; and when listening to Sweet Elizabeth by Kayamba Africa, you just feel it deep.