The family is the basic structure of the society; it is like the cell n a human body. All the functions of the society start and end at the family level. Just like the cell of the body, a sick family structure results in a sick society.
Our modern society is ailing; and the root cause of the disease is the family. Violence, sexual immorality, disobedience are the common symptoms. Broken families have become more common. Cheating and adultery has become so common that those who don't engage in it are the exception. Children do not listen to their parents anymore.
And how can they? Their primary source of instruction is music videos from Youtube, messages on WhatsApp, their Facebook friends and so on. 12 year old girls have sexual relations with men fit to be their fathers; and the parents look the other. Or do they?
Parents do not have time for their children. They are chasing the career; they are in the rat race of life. They have left their children to be brought up by househelps and the media. Children are born and they do not get to see their fathers until after a couple of months; the father is busy chasing paper to provide for the maternity fee, for clothes and food and diapers. But at what cost?
The rest of the family has been destroyed morning drive radio shows. The Mainas and others are busy getting more listeners by destroying marriages and promoting adultery. And our children also hear this nonsense and these are the kind of thoughts they grow up with; family is unimportant, and you should cheat as long as you do not get caught.
We need to pray for wisdom from God; that his grace will save the family. The Devil knows when he destroys the family, then the rest of the society will fall in place. The Church needs to be at the forefront of a prayer movement to salvage this dire situation.
May God find us worthy of redemption.
Our modern society is ailing; and the root cause of the disease is the family. Violence, sexual immorality, disobedience are the common symptoms. Broken families have become more common. Cheating and adultery has become so common that those who don't engage in it are the exception. Children do not listen to their parents anymore.
And how can they? Their primary source of instruction is music videos from Youtube, messages on WhatsApp, their Facebook friends and so on. 12 year old girls have sexual relations with men fit to be their fathers; and the parents look the other. Or do they?
Parents do not have time for their children. They are chasing the career; they are in the rat race of life. They have left their children to be brought up by househelps and the media. Children are born and they do not get to see their fathers until after a couple of months; the father is busy chasing paper to provide for the maternity fee, for clothes and food and diapers. But at what cost?
The rest of the family has been destroyed morning drive radio shows. The Mainas and others are busy getting more listeners by destroying marriages and promoting adultery. And our children also hear this nonsense and these are the kind of thoughts they grow up with; family is unimportant, and you should cheat as long as you do not get caught.
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A family that prays together, stays together - Image courtesy |
We need to pray for wisdom from God; that his grace will save the family. The Devil knows when he destroys the family, then the rest of the society will fall in place. The Church needs to be at the forefront of a prayer movement to salvage this dire situation.
May God find us worthy of redemption.
This is very profound. Wisdom is needed. Attention needs to be paid. Parents need to be keen. They need to pay attention 200%.