He walked to the podium and stared at what we
could only guess was his speech. He cleared his throat noisily and looked at
the sea of expectant faces. He looked down again and began.
"I don’t know what to say, I am not a
great speaker, nor do I know any poems that would entertain you, nor do words
come smoothly out of my mouth, for I am a stutterer. Last night, as I
contemplated what I would say, I asked the Lord what He would have me say.
After four hours, I was convinced that the Lord did not want me to speak on
this podium today, for He remained silent. And so this morning, I called the
Provost and told her to choose someone else to give the commencement speech on
behalf of our class, she refused. She did not give any reason, even though I
told her I had no written speech, nor did I have organized thoughts from which
to draw a message. She remained adamant. So, here we are." He motioned at
the building and entire congregation. Everyone was silent, no one breathing.
This was unheard of, an off the cuff speech!
"And so I have no speech. I just have
one word, light. Our generation is the most mentally and intellectually
developed of all that have walked this earth. We have scholars and people who
understand great mysteries of this world: some look to the skies and tell us it
is going to snow, others look to the earth and tell us there is oil deep down,
others look to the side and tell us there is coming a hurricane. Still others
have created vehicles that can drive themselves, personal assistants that talk
to us, machines that can repair themselves. Some have found cures for our
greatest illnesses, prolonging life, growing more food from the same seed with
less water; our generation has achieved a great deal."
"Yet, ours is the generation of the
greatest moral depravation. As our intellect has risen, our spirituality has
fallen. As our minds have expanded, our morals have degraded. Even though we
produce enough wealth, food, water for all citizens to enjoy the glory of this
earth, greed and perversion have kept us adrift. We hide our money in banks,
offshore places that not even the government can reach, we waste half of the
food we produce while others hunger, we manufacture pills that cure one disease
and create another, we tamper with the genetic code and presume ourselves gods.
Even now, we try to create life, deep in the bowels of the earth. We trample
the poor, imprison the meek and kill those who say the truth. We love hatred
and lies, with our social media, we have all becomes sources of great
deceptions that have put all previous generations to shame. We run after every
man, woman or beast we can find, and lay with it, calling it our right to our
sexuality. The angels on high hide their faces at the abomination that has
become of the children of God."
"Oh, when will we turn away from our
sin? When will we look to the heavens and plead for mercy from our God, who has
loved us and given of His Son to die to save us? When will we turn to our
brothers in love, and care for the sick, for the orphans and widows? When will
we stop wars of injustice? And yet, we claim that God has not spoken to us,
that we do not know Him, He has not revealed Himself to us, He has kept Himself
hidden in the heavens. Oh, what folly! How wrong we have been. Our churches
have not given us the truth, they have hindered the ascent, for the keepers of
the knowledge are blind, and how can the blind lead the blind? "
"We have been blind. God is in our
hearts, and He speaks to us through His Spirit. We call the Divine spark of the
Spirit of God the conscience. But we have silenced our conscience, we have
elevated the other voices, our parents, our professors, the media, the
politicians, social media and our own voices. But deep down, we know that God
has revealed Himself to us all, for even in darkness, that spark of His Divine
Love has not gone out. And yes, we deny, yet know, we argue, yet our very being
bears the truth."
"Let us come out of darkness, and live
in the light. For no one lights a lamp and hides it under a bushel. Let us
repent, and ask God to purify us with His love, ask for forgiveness; and He
will hear us, and show us mercy and grace. There is no condemnation in Him, He
wants to love us and be with us, not judge and punish us. And we will live in
the land, restored and ready for Him to return. Yes, He will return. And when
He does, will He find us living in darkness or in light?"
He stepped off the podium and walked to his
seat. The Provost continued to stare at the ceiling and wondered what she would
tell the University Board. Well, till then, she had a ceremony to conduct.
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