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Day 16: Lake Toba

Fish farming
We left for our hotel on the opposite side of lake Toba at 6am and got there in about 50mins. It was a cool ferry. We learnt that Toba is a volcanic crater lake, formed over 750m years, after a volcanic eruption that changed the climate of the planet.

At the hotel, we got breakfast: hurriedly done and not very good, but just barely palatable. We climbed on the ferry and we went to see fish farms. I really liked the design of the fish ponds in the lake. However, we learnt that the government had banned further development of such ponds and termed them unsustainable.

Red, black and white
Later, we went to see a Batak traditional dance and explored Batak history. We learnt that the gecko is a sign of good luck for the Batak people, while the water buffalo is a sign of the strength.

I really like the architecture of Batak houses which look like boats, with sharp upper edges. We participated in a traditional Batak dance. The Batak like red, black and white colors. 

Later, we went to see a Batak museum which showed the prison and execution structures of the Batak. While there, a lot of locals asked to take pictures with me and my colleagues.

We returned to the hotel around 3pm, were assigned our hotel rooms and had a meetup. I am rooming with Jake. Later, we (Wardah, Renuka, Taryn, Jackson, Yitong and I) went to dinner at Maruba restaurant, where I had Bintang and fish curry and rice. It was a good meal. I later returned to the house, had a shower, and here I am.

Afterwards, I fell asleep and was woken around 9.30pm by Wardah to go look for tuak, a local palm wine-ish drink. We were joined by Adriane, and Daniela. We walked along the main street, asking for the drink from the few open shops. Eventually, we found a place which was open, and had not run out of the drink. We joined about 10 other revelers, all men who were drinking, mellow and singing. The drink has a slight taste of durian, but is mostly plain and not too strong. We downed one glass each, and after a discussion, agreed to get another. one reveler, who later identified himself as Jugale (or something like that) told us that it was customary to drink at least three glasses. By this time, we were all a bit buzzed, and joined the men with the guitars in singing some of their songs. They also played a couple of American country and popular songs, which we gladly joined in. the night was crowned when one reveler played, (and we sang along to) Yellow and Fix You by Coldplay.
We left the bar at midnight when the owner of the joint began closing up. We walked to Lekjon Cottages happy, having succeeded in discovering a new drink, and enjoying the company of the Batak peoples. What a night!


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