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Day 20: Special Envoy; WRI

We met the Special Envoy to the President on Climate Change. We discussed Indonesia's international obligations on climate change, and what they were doing about it. Some of the issues raised included
  • Role of the subnational governments in the formulation and implementation of climate change policy i.e. they should be a part of the conversation; as should private sector, academics, universities and research institutions
  • Climate change + development goals (SDGs): adaptation; mainstreaming development goals; national adaptation plan
  • EcoMosque Program: received awards; save water, energy and proper waste management
  • Youth want to be taken seriously in the conversation about climate change
  • Blue carbon: marine ecosystem conversation
  • Enforcement of climate change not popular because it feels like punishment
  • Need to find the middle way between development and conservation

Afterwards, we went to WRI where we met Pak Koni who is the current director. He gave a talk about the One Map Policy that WRI has been working on. Some of the issues highlighted include:
  • Base line mapping i.e. moratorium map has been established
    • This is free, and can be downloaded as a shapefile
    • 85 thematic maps to be overlain atop the moratorium map
  • Issues with sharing information between ministries, hence having overlapping concessions.
  • Forest governance is weak
  • Need to engage stakeholders: private sector, communities, indigenous people, villages
    • Requires conflict resolution, which is difficult to accomplish
  • It's in the Economic Ministry because the government recognizes the economic return of having One True Map
    • Legal certainty = better business
  • WRI: assisting governance improvement process: inclusivity, participatory, transparency
  • Indicative one map becomes Definitive One Map
  • Planned completion 2019 of a spatial plan


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